Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Referrals & Rewards

I always want my clients to understand how much their business means to me.
I also want to express that your referrals are key in helping us become a success.

After doing some research and thinking
I have finally decided on my referral and rewards program!

After your session
you will receive 25 custom designed referral cards
to share with your friends.

Each time you refer a new client to
Jessica Sherman Photography
that books a session,
we would like to say thank you!

And the best part about this program...
There are rewards for both you and your friends!

What's in it for you?
When one of your friends books a session
and brings us your custom referral card,
you'll receive a $10.00 credit.
This credit can be used toward a session, print products or custom photo editing.

What will your friends receive?
When your friends bring their referral card in,
and book a session they will receive
two FREE 5x7 prints
one FREE 8x10
2 accordion mini albums!

All of this is our way to say thank you!

We appreciate your support

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